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School Improvement Plan

Merritt Academy 

Mr. Nathan Seiferlein | Principal
59900 Havenridge Rd
New Haven, MI 48048-1915

Document Generated On February 11, 2016


The SIP is a planning tool designed to address student achievement and system needs identified through the school's comprehensive needs assessment (CNA). Additionally, the SIP provides a method for schools to address the school improvement planning requirements of Public Act 25 of the Revised School Code and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as applicable.

Every school has its own story to tell. The context in which teaching and learning takes place influences the processes and procedures by which the school makes decisions around curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The context also impacts the way a school stays faithful to its vision. Many factors contribute to the overall narrative such as an identification of stakeholders, a description of stakeholder engagement, the trends and issues affecting the school, and the kinds of programs and services that a school implements to support student learning.

The purpose of the Executive Summary (ES) is to provide a school with an opportunity to describe in narrative form the strengths and challenges it encounters. By doing so, the public and members of the school community will have a more complete picture of how the school perceives itself and the process of self-reflection for continuous improvement. This summary is structured for the school to reflect on how it provides teaching and learning on a day to day basis.

Describe the school's size, community/communities, location, and changes it has experienced in the last three years. Include demographic information about the students, staff, and community at large. What unique features and challenges are associated with the community/communities the school serves? 

Merritt Academy is a small school located in a semi-rural community. The school has seen a growth in enrollment over the last three years. The demographics of the school has school has had in increase of students receiving free or reduced lunch. The largest of percentage of students are Caucasian. Students come from the local surrounding districts. 

The staff ranges from first year teachers to teachers with over 15 years of experience. There is a decent ratio of female to male teachers.

The unique features is that there is a wide socioeconomic difference between students. 

School's Purpose

Provide the school's purpose statement and ancillary content such as mission, vision, values, and/or beliefs. Describe how the school embodies its purpose through its program offerings and expectations for students. 

Our vision is that students leave school with:

  • A set of moral values - honesty, integrity, good judgment, and respect for others.
  • A comprehensive set of skills and a desire for knowledge in reading, writing, mathematics, science, arts, technology and health including
    developing a strong self-esteem and high personal expectations.
  • We value the partnership which exists between school, parents, and community and the part it plays in realizing this vision.

This is embodied through daily life lessons and monthly character education traits. 

Describe the school's notable achievements and areas of improvement in the last three years. Additionally, describe areas for improvement that the school is striving to achieve in the next three years. 

  • We added 8 man tackle football this year.
  • Merritt Academy became NCA Accredited.
  • We have had several students receive full ride scholarships to Saginaw Valley State University.
  • The school is striving to increase technology school-wide. In addition, we are working to no longer being a focus school.

Additional Information 

Provide any additional information you would like to share with the public and community that were not prompted in the previous sections. 

Merritt Academy is continuing to work to increase different partnerships with different businesses in the local areas. 

Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement 

The responses should be brief, descriptive, and appropriate for the specific section. It is recommended that the responses are written offline
and then transferred into the sections below.

Improvement Planning Process

Describe the process used to engage a variety of stakeholders in the development of the institution's improvement plan. Include
information on how stakeholders were selected and informed of their roles, and how meetings were scheduled to accommodate them. 

A parent survey is conducted during parent/teacher conferences during second conferences. The data is collected and used to make future decisions for the school.

In addition parent/administration meetings are held throughout the year. These are a time for any parent to come and share concerns with administration and/or learn about upcoming events. These are scheduled in the evening to accommodate work schedules. 

Describe the representations from stakeholder groups that participated in the development of the improvement plan and their responsibilities in this process. 

Parents from across grade levels are involved in the meetings. Their responsibilities include providing feedback on concerns about the current academic programs in the school. 

Explain how the final improvement plan was communicated to all stakeholders, and the method and frequency in which stakeholders receive information on its progress. 

The final improvement plan in communicated to stakeholders by posting improvement goals throughout the school and in all the classrooms. The progress of the goals will be provided in the school newsletter twice a year. 

School Data Analysis 

The School Data Analysis (SDA) is a diagnostic tool intended to facilitate rich and deep collaborative discussions among staff member about school data. The SDA can serve as a guide to determine a school’s strengths, challenges, and directions for improvement based on an analysis of data and responses to a series of data related questions. This data collection and analysis process includes the identification of content area achievement gaps and reflections on causation. Please note that questions related to gaps and causes for a gap are marked with an asterisk (*). This diagnostic represents the various types of student data that should be continuously collected, reviewed, and analyzed in conjunction with other local school data. Completion of the SDA is required.

Student Enrollment Data

How do student enrollment trends affect staffing? 

As enrollment increases staffing needs to be adjusted an increased as well. 

How do student enrollment trends affect staff recruitment? 

Depending on where student growth is occurring that is where the recruitment is targeted. 

How do student enrollment trends affect budget? 

As the student enrollment increases the budget increases. More money tends to go towards salary to cover the increase in additional staff. 

How do student enrollment trends affect resource allocations? 

More money is allocated for resources as students enrollment increases. 

How do student enrollment trends affect facility planning and maintenance? 

As the enrollment increases we need to look at was to pay for expansion on to our building to allow for additional classrooms. 

How do student enrollment trends affect parent/guardian involvement? 

Parent involvement does not seem to be affected by student enrollment trends. 

How do student enrollment trends affect professional learning and/or public relations? 

Enrollment trends does not affect professional learning. It does increase public relations some as we are making new connections through new families. 

What are the challenges you noticed based on the student enrollment data? 

The challenges are finding enough space to house all of the new classes. In addition, making sure we are still able to offer quality programs and not cutting corners. 

What action(s) will be taken to address these challenges? 

We are seeking ways to save additional money so that in a year we will be able to begin building expansions. 

What are the challenges you noticed based on student attendance? 

A challenge regarding student attendance is making sure students of lower sock-economic status attend on a regular basis. 

What action(s) will be taken to address these challenges? 

Making sure our attendance policy is followed and attendance meetings are held with administration. If necessary truancy is reported. 

Student Achievement Data for All Students

This area includes data questions. 

Which content area(s) indicate the highest levels of student achievement? 

The content areas that indicate the highest level of student achievement are reading and math. 

Which content area(s) show a positive trend in performance? 

Math and reading show positive trends in performance. 

In which content area(s) is student achievement above the state targets of performance? 

Math and reading are above state targets of performance.

What trends do you notice among the top 30% percent of students in each content area?

Students of higher socio-economic status before higher in math and reading.

What factors or causes contributed to improved student achievement?

A increased amount of in-school intervention programs for students of all academic levels has improved student achievement.

How do you know the factors made a positive impact on student achievement?

Students are showing positive gains on Performance Series testing which is taken three times a year.

Which content area(s) indicate the lowest levels of student achievement?

Science, Social Studies, and Writing show the lowest level of student achievement.

Which content area(s) show a negative trend in achievement?

None of the content areas show a negative trend.

In which content area(s) is student achievement below the state targets of performance?

Science, Social Studies, and Writing are below the state targets for performance.

What trends do you notice among the bottom 30% of students in each content area?

Students are making gains but at a much slower pace than their peers. These students need more intensive one-on-one interventions.

What factors or causes contributed to the decline in student achievement?

Factors contributing to the decline is lack of exposure to life experiences. Also, lack of background knowledge to allow for mastery of concepts.

How do you know the factors made a negative impact on student achievement?

The students are not able to relate to or explain their ideas.

What action(s) could be taken to address achievement challenges?

Actions that can be taken include virtual trips to provide visual experiences for students. Also providing opportunities for students to experience concepts first hand when possible.

Subgroup Student Achievement

Which subgroup(s) show a trend toward increasing overall performance?

African American or Black White Female Students with Disabilities

For which subgroup(s) is the achievement gap closing?*

White Female Students with Disabilities

In what content areas is the achievement gap closing for these subgroups?*

The achievement gap is closing in reading.

How do you know the achievement gap is closing?*

More students were meeting their personal growth goal in Performance Series in reading.

What other data support the findings?

Monthly assessments administered in math and reading.

What factors or causes contributed to the gap closing? (Internal and External)*

Intensive intervention in small group settings for all students which worked on target areas of deficiency.

How do you know the factors made a positive impact on student achievement?

The amount of students in the bottom 30% that exceeded their growth target in Performance Series was higher than ever before.

What actions could be taken to continue this positive trend?

Continue intensive MTSS program and increase staff to make sure it is fully implemented next year and increase amount of time seen.

Which subgroup(s) show a trend toward decreasing overall performance?

Economically Disadvantaged

For which subgroup(s) is the achievement gap becoming greater?*

Economically Disadvantaged

In what content areas is the achievement gap greater for these subgroups?*

The gap is greater in math and science.

How do you know the achievement gap is becoming greater?*

Fewer students met their goal in Math on Performance Series.

What other data support the findings?*

Monthly assessments in math.

What factors or causes contributed to the gap increasing? (Internal and External)*

Students do not have mastery of the basic fundamental skills necessary for higher level data processing.

How do you know the factors lead to the gap increasing?*

Students are not able to apply basic skills to problem solving type problems.

What actions could be taken to close the achievement gap for these students?*

MTSS support is working on mastery and application of basic skills into higher level problems.

How is each of the English Language Learners (ELLs) demographics achieving in comparison to the school aggregate?


How do you ensure that students with disabilities have access to the full array of intervention programs (Title 1, Title III, Section 31a, credit recovery programs, after-school programs, etc.)?

Students with disabilities are offered the same access to all programs. There accommodations are worked into any after school or credit recovery program. They are also provided additional support from the special education program.

How are students designated ‘at risk of failing' identified for support services?

Students are designated at risk based on MEAP and initial fall testing scores in Performance Series testing.

What Extended Learning Opportunities are available for students (all grade configurations respond)?

Tutoring is available for all students.

What is the school doing to inform students and parents of Extended Learning Opportunities?

Notes are sent home. A calendar for middle school and high school is posted on the school website and throughout the school.

Label Question Value What percentages of students participate in Extended Learning Opportunities, either for additional support or increased challenge? 10.0

Label Question Value What is the total FTE count of teachers in your school? 35.0

Label Question Value How many teachers have been teaching 0-3 years? 6.0

What impact might this data have on student achievement?

Some of the more veteran teachers are not as up-to-date on newer intervention techniques or struggles students face today.

What impact might this data have on student achievement?

Substitutes in the classroom do not lead to quality instruction taking place. When teachers are out the interventions are not taking place either.

Label Question Value How many teachers have been teaching 4-8 years? 13.0

Label Question Value How many teachers have been teaching 9-15 years? 8.0

Label Question Value How many teachers have been teaching >15 years? 0.0

Label Question Value Indicate the total number of days for teacher absences due to professional learning or professional meetings. 3.0

Label Question Value Indicate the total number of days for teacher absences due to illness. 8.0

Perception Data - Students

Which area(s) indicate the highest overall level of satisfaction among students?

The highest level of satisfaction among students is the level of caring and dedication from teachers towards their learning.

Which area(s) show a positive trend toward increasing student satisfaction?

Areas showing a positive trend is the relationships and climates in the classroom and of the school.

What area(s) indicate the lowest overall level of satisfaction among students?

The lowest overall satisfaction level among students is some of the elective classes.

Which area(s) show a trend toward decreasing student satisfaction?

The trend is the lack of interest in older students taking the classes.

What are possible causes for the patterns you have identified in student perception data?

Causes for this is lack of teacher excitement in the material of the class and lack of new ideas for the class.

What actions will be taken to improve student satisfaction in the lowest areas?

Set specific improvement goals for teacher and if not met seek new teacher.

Perception Data – Parents/Guardians

Which area(s) indicate the overall highest level of satisfaction among parents/guardians?

Staff dedication

Which area(s) show a trend toward increasing parents/guardian satisfaction?

Parent communication and excitement for the school culture

Which area(s) indicate the overall lowest level of satisfaction among parents/guardians?

Lack of elective programs for all elective classes

Which area(s) show a trend toward decreasing parents/guardian satisfaction?

Communication for lack of program development

What are possible causes for the patterns you have identified in parent/guardian perception data?

Lack of teacher motivation

What actions will be taken to increase parent/guardian satisfaction in the lowest areas?

Teacher action plan or replacement of teacher

Perception Data – Teachers/Staff

Which area(s) indicate the overall highest level of satisfaction among teachers/staff?

Using data to drive decisions for the school

Which area(s) show a trend toward increasing teacher/staff satisfaction?

A staff survey

Which area(s) indicate the lowest overall level of satisfaction among teachers/staff?

Amount of workload/exceptions on staff

Which area(s) show a trend toward decreasing teacher/staff satisfaction?

A staff survey

What are possible causes for the patterns you have identified in staff perception data?

New requirements this year which are time consuming


How does your school use the MiPHY online survey health risk behavior results to improve student learning? (Enter N/A if you
have not completed the MiPHY survey.)


Describe how decisions about curriculum, instruction and assessment are made at this school and which stakeholders are involved in the process.

Parents are informed about all curriculum and assessments are the beginning of the year. The Board of Directors are given updates on assessments throughout the year as they take place.

What evidence do you have to indicate the extent to which the standards are being implemented?

Lesson plans and monthly pacing guides

School Additional Requirements Diagnostic


This diagnostic contains certification requirements for Michigan schools. This diagnostic must be completed by all schools.

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 1. Literacy and math are tested annually in grades 1-5. Yes Performance Series is used.

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 2. Our school published a fully compliant annual report. (The Annual Education Report (AER) satisfies this). If yes, please provide a link to the report in the box below. Yes www.merritt-academy.org

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 3. Our school has the 8th grade parent approved Educational Development Plans (EDPs) on file. Yes

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 4. Our school reviews and annually updates the EDPs to ensure academic course work alignment. No

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 5. The institution complies with all federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and with all requirements and regulations of the U.S.

Department of Education. It is the policy of this institution that no person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, gender, height, weight, marital status or disability shall be subjected to discrimination in any program, service or activity for which the institution is responsible, or for which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of

Education. References: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, ElliottLarsen prohibits discrimination against religion. Yes

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 6. The institution has designated an employee to coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out non-discrimination responsibilities. If yes, list the name, position, address and telephone number of the employee in the comment field. Yes Paul Romine President 7877 Stead Utica, MI 586-731-5300

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 7. The institution has a School-Parent Involvement Plan (that addresses Section 1118 activities) that is aligned to the District's Board Policy.

If yes, please attach the School-Parent Involvement Plan below. Yes Merritt Family Agreement

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 8. The institution has a School-Parent Compact. If yes, please attach the School-Parent Compact below. Yes Merritt Family Agreement

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 9. The School has additional information necessary to support your improvement plan (optional). No

Title I Schoolwide Diagnostic


This diagnostic tool is aligned to requirements for Title I Schoolwide schools. As described in sections 1111(b)(1), 1114 (b)(1)(A) and 1309(2) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) requirement is met by completing a School Data Analysis (SDA) and School Process Profile (SPP). The Comprehensive Needs Assessment must be completed prior to creating a new plan or annually updating an existing school improvement plan. Use the results of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment to develop Goals/Objectives/Strategies and Activities. Ensure that the Comprehensive Needs Assessment addresses all four types of data: student achievement data, school programs/process data, perceptions data (must include teachers and parents; student data is encouraged), and demographic data. The Comprehensive Needs Assessment must also take into account the needs of migratory children as defined in Title I, Part C, Section 1309(2).

Component 1: Comprehensive Needs Assessment

1. How was the comprehensive needs assessment process conducted?

Reviewing on-going assessment data.

2. What were the results of the comprehensive needs assessment process? What information was concluded as a result of analyzing perception, student achievement, school programs/process, and demographic data?

At-risk students were those receiving free or reduced lunch. These students are receiving additional pull out support.

3. How are the school goals connected to priority needs and the needs assessment process? It is clear that a detailed analysis of multiple types of data was conducted to select the goals.

Goals support the findings of the needs assessment and provide increased time in academic subjects.

4. How do the goals address the needs of the whole school population? How is special recognition paid to meeting the needs of children who are disadvantaged?

The goals allow for increased academic support for all students even if not in the identified areas.

Students with special needs are being serviced in small group settings.

School Improvement Plan Merritt Academy

1. Describe the strategies in the schoolwide plan which focus on helping ALL students reach the State's standards.

The strategies being used are small group remediation for reteaching key concepts. In addition 30 day testing to reteach concepts right away to prevent gaps from developing.

2. Describe how the research-based methods and strategies in the schoolwide plan increase the quality and quantity of instruction (which accelerates and enriches the curriculum).

One research based method being used in the classroom is Teach Like a Champion strategies. These are best practice strategies that encourage engagement of both higher and lower level learning students. This allows for the enrichment of the curriculum and all students to be engaged in the learning process.

3. Describe how the research-based reform strategies in the schoolwide plan align with the findings of the comprehensive needs assessment.

These strategies align with the comprehensive needs because it ensures that lower level students are not over looked in the learning/classroom discussion part of the process.

4. Describe the strategies in the schoolwide plan which provide a level of INTERVENTIONS for students who need the most instructional support in all major subgroups participating in the schoolwide program.

The level of interventions vary depending on the need of the students. Most are intensive occurring on a daily basis for 45 minutes of small group instruction. This is additional time to the regular classroom instruction in a subject area.

5. Describe how the school determines if these needs of students are being met.

The school conducts regular post assessments to monitor progress and how needs are being met.

Component 3: Instruction by Highly Qualified Staff

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 1. Do all of the instructional paraprofessionals meet the NCLB requirements for highly qualified? Provide an assurance statement. If no, what is the number that is not highly qualified and what is being done to address this? NOTE: A schoolwide program must have all highly qualified instructional staff. Yes Paraprofessionals are not used.

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 2. Do all of the teachers meet the NCLB requirements for highly qualified? Provide an assurance statement. If no, what is the number that is not highly qualified and what is being done to address this? NOTE: A schoolwide program must have all highly qualified instructional staff. Yes

Component 4: Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers

1. What is the school's teacher turnover rate for this school year?

3 teachers left out of 35

2. What is the experience level of key teaching and learning personnel?

Experience ranges from 1 year to 15 years.

3. Describe the specific initiatives the SCHOOL has implemented to attract and retain high quality teachers regardless of the turnover rate.


4. Describe the specific initiatives the DISTRICT has implemented to attract and retain highly qualified teachers regardless of the turnover rate.

Reduced tuition if takes masters classes through Saginaw Valley State University.

5. If there is a high turnover rate, what initiatives has the school implemented to attempt to lower the turnover rate of highly qualified teachers?


Component 5: High Quality and Ongoing Professional Development

1. Describe the professional learning that the staff will receive that is aligned with the comprehensive needs assessment process and the goals of the school improvement plan.

Monthly early release days to allow for on-going professional development to support the goals developed.

2. Describe how this professional learning is "sustained and ongoing."

Monthly early release days to allow for on-going professional learning.

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 3. The school's Professional Learning Plan is complete. Yes PD log

Component 6: Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement

1. Describe how parents are (will be) involved in the design of the schoolwide plan.

Parents give feedback on the plan.

2. Describe how parents are (will be) involved in the implementation of the schoolwide plan.

Parents will be asked to provide feedback on the goals.

3. Describe how parents are (will be) involved in the evaluation of the schoolwide plan.

Parents provide feedback through parent feedback survey.

5. Describe how the school is carrying out the activities outlined in ESEA Section 1118 (e) 1-5, 14 and (f).

Parent meeting at the beginning of the year.

6. Describe how the parent involvement component of the schoolwide plan is (will be) evaluated.

Sign in sheets at parent meetings.

7. Describe how the results of the evaluation are (will be) used to improve the schoolwide program.

Try to increase parent involvement at the meetings.

8. Describe how the school-parent compact is developed.

Review the requirements of the compact.

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment 4. Does the school have a Title I Parent Involvement policy that addresses how the school carries out the required activities of ESEA Section 1118 (c) through (f)? Yes

9. Describe how the School-Parent Compact is used at elementary-level parent teacher conferences.

It is used to encourage parents to attend on a regular basis.

10. How is the School-Parent Compact shared with middle school or high school parents (depending on the grade span of the school)?

It is used to encourage parents to attend.

11. Describe how the school provides individual student academic assessment results in a language the parents can understand.

The school provides academic assessment results through conferences and letters.

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment The School's School-Parent Compact is attached. Yes Merritt Family Compact

Component 7: Preschool Transition Strategies

1. In what ways does the school connect with preschool age children more than a once a year visitation to the kindergarten classroom?

Kindergarten Screenings, and planning transition activities in the Spring

2. What types of training does the school provide preschool parents and/or preschool teachers on the skills preschool age children will need when they enter kindergarten?

Informational meeting night.

Component 8: Teacher Participation in Making Assessment Decisions

1. How do teachers provide their input into the decisions regarding the use of school-based academic assessments?

Screening snapshot

2. How are teachers involved in student achievement data analysis for the purpose of improving the academic achievement of all students?

Teachers are involved in classroom decisions for dividing students for upcoming years. Also teachers are involved in deciding pull out groups.

Component 9: Timely and Additional Assistance to Students Having Difficulty Mastering the Standards

1. Describe the process to identify students who experience difficulty mastering the State's academic achievement assessment standards at an advanced or proficient level.

The individual student scores are reviewed and compared to previous years as well as peers. Then areas of weakness of identified and students are grouped.

2. How is timely, effective, additional assistance provided to students who are experiencing difficulty mastering the State's academic achievement assessment standards at an advanced or proficient level?

Students are identified, grouped, and services started within the first month of school.

3. How are students' individual needs being addressed through differentiated instruction in the classroom?

Students are assessed at the beginning of the year and placed in different learning leveled groups.

Component 10: Coordination and Integration of Federal, State and Local Programs and Resources

1. In what ways are the programs coordinated and integrated toward the achievement of the schoolwide goals? Include a LIST of the State, local and Federal programs/resources that will be supporting the schoolwide program.

MTSS teachers

2. Describe how the school will use the resources from Title I and other State, local and Federal sources to implement the ten required schoolwide components.

Funding teachers

3. How does the school coordinate and integrate the following Federal, State and local programs and services in a manner
applicable to the grade level to support achievement of the schoolwide goals: violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start, adult education, vocational and technical education, and job training.

Funding teachers


1. Describe how the school evaluates, at least annually, the implementation of the schoolwide program.

The school tracks student data and progress to evaluate the program.

2. Describe how the school evaluates the results achieved by the schoolwide program using data from the State's annual assessments and other indicators of academic achievement.

The school evaluates the program through the MEAP test and the percent of students meeting their individual growth goals on Performance Series.

3. Describe how the school determines whether the schoolwide program has been effective in increasing the achievement of students who are furthest from achieving the standards.

The school determines if the program has been successful based on the number of students that are able to move out of the program or show significant growth.

4. What process is followed by the school to revise the plan, as necessary, based on the evaluation, to ensure continuous improvement of students in the schoolwide program?

The MTSS team meets to review the program and any necessary changes that may need to be made.


Plan Name

Merritt Academy School Improvement Plan

Plan Description

Merritt Academy's School Improvement Plan for the 2013-2014 school year

Goals Summary

The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section.
#Goal NameGoal DetailsGoal TypeTotal Funding 1All students at Merritt Academy will become proficient readers. Objectives: 1 Strategies: 2 Activities: 5 Academic$43942 2All students at Merritt Academy will become proficient writers. Objectives: 1 Strategies: 1 Activities: 2 Academic$0 3All students at Merritt Academy will become proficient in Mathematics. Objectives: 1 Strategies: 2 Activities: 3 Academic$82942 4All students at Merritt Academy will become proficient in Science. Objectives: 1 Strategies: 1 Activities: 2 Academic$790 5All students at Merritt Academy will become proficient in Social Studies. Objectives: 1 Strategies: 1 Activities: 3 Academic$790 6Professional development at Merritt Academy will become meaningful to staff. Objectives: 1 Strategies: 1 Activities: 2 Organizational$0

Goal 1: All students at Merritt Academy will become proficient readers.

Strategy 1: MTSS - Students will receive additional instructional time in reading comprehension and fluency strategies. Instruction will be small group and based on in individual goals and objectives. The length of the school day is being increased so this intervention will occur five days a week. Category: Tier:
Measurable Objective 1: 100% of Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth grade Black or African-American, Asian, White, Economically Disadvantaged, Gifted and Talented, Hispanic or Latino, Students with Disabilities, English Learners, Two or More Races, American Indian or Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students will demonstrate a proficiency in reading in English Language Arts by 06/13/2014 as measured by Meap, MME, Performance Series, and Monthly Assessments.
Activity - MTSSActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsible
Small group instruction in reading comprehension and fluency.Academic Support Program
09/03/201306/13/2014$39792Title I Part A
Victoria Lathrop Amber Mosher
Activity - ELBIActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
ElBI will be used to improve reading fluency.Academic Support Program
09/03/201306/13/2014$0No Funding Required
Classroom teachers Special Education Teachers MTSS Staff
Activity - ELBIActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
Additional staff will be trained on how to use ELBI.Professiona l Learning
08/21/201306/13/2014$0No Funding Required
MTSS Staff Special Education Staff Classroom Teachers
Strategy 2: Higher Level Thinking - Lessons involving higher level questioning and connections will be created using the Common Core standards. Category: Tier:
Goal 2: All students at Merritt Academy will become proficient writers.

Strategy 1: Collins Writing - Collins writing will assist students in improving their writing skills by helping to narrow down specific skill areas to work on. Category: Tier:
Activity - Unpacking the Common Core StandardsActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
Professional development on developing higher thinking lesson plans using the Common Core Standards and pacing guides.
Professiona l Learning
08/19/201308/27/2013$3150Title II Part D
All classroom and elective teachers
Activity - Reading and Higher Level ConnectionsActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
Teachers will use high interest reading materials as resources to develop higher level thinking situations for students.
Implementa tion
09/03/201306/13/2014$1000OtherClassroom teachers Elective teachers
Measurable Objective 1: 100% of Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth grade Black or African-American, Asian, White, Economically Disadvantaged, Gifted and Talented, Hispanic or Latino, Students with Disabilities, English Learners, Two or More Races, American Indian or Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students will demonstrate a proficiency in writing in English Language Arts by 06/13/2014 as measured by MEAP and staff created rubrics.
Activity - Writing RubricsActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
SStaff Responsible
Goal 3: All students at Merritt Academy will become proficient in Mathematics.br />
Strategy 1: MTSS - Students will work in small groups on specific skill sets to focus on deficit skills. This instruction will occur five days a week due to an increase in the length of the school day. Category: Tier:
Strategy 2: Higher Level Thinking - The increased use of technology in the technology in the world of mathematics will allow students to experience real life multi-step problem
Grade level rubrics will be used as common scoring tools to monitor student progress in writing.
Evaluation09/03/201306/13/2014$0No Funding Required
Classroom teachers Special Education teachers MTSS teachers
Activity - Rubric DevelopmentActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
Grade level rubrics will be developed to be used for grading student writing. These will be used at PLC meetings at tools for monitoring student writing progress.
Getting Ready
08/21/201306/13/2014$0No Funding Required
Classroom teachers MTSS teachers Special Education Teachers
Measurable Objective 1: 100% of Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth grade Black or African-American, Asian, White, Economically Disadvantaged, Gifted and Talented, Hispanic or Latino, Students with Disabilities, English Learners, Two or More Races, American Indian or Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students will demonstrate a proficiency in mathematics in Mathematics by 06/13/2014 as measured by MEAP, MME, Performance Series, Monthly Assessments.
Activity - MTSSActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
MTSS is a small group program where students work on specific skills they are lacking on in mathematics.
Academic Support Program
09/03/201306/13/2014$39792Title I Part A
AAmber Mosher Victoria Lathrop
solving experiences. Technology will also provide a more kinesthetic learning approach for students to help develop high level thinking skills. Category: Tier:
Goal 4: All students at Merritt Academy will become proficient in Science.br />
Strategy 1: Higher Level Thinking - Students will gain a greater level of understanding of concepts and make connections to the real world and problem solving through high level thinking lessons and applications. Category: Tier:
Activity - TechnologyActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
Increase use of technology (Smartboards, laptops, websites, graphing calculators) in math lessons on a daily basis.
Technology09/03/201306/13/2014$40000General Fund
Administrati on Classroom teachers MTSS Staff Special Education Teachers
Activity - Unpacking the Common Core StandardsActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
Learn to develop higher thinking lessons using the Common Core Standards and pacing guides.
Professiona l Learning
08/19/201308/27/2013$3150Title II Part D
All teachers
Measurable Objective 1: 100% of Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth grade Black or African-American, Asian, White, Economically Disadvantaged, Gifted and Talented, Hispanic or Latino, Students with Disabilities, English Learners, Two or More Races, American Indian or Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students will demonstrate a proficiency Science in Science by 06/13/2014 as measured by MEAP and MME.
Activity - MAPSAActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
SStaff Responsibl e
Goal 5: All students at Merritt Academy will become proficient in Social Studies.br />
Strategy 1: Higher Level Thinking - Lesson development will be focused on higher level thinking verbs and skills. Students will be guided to making connections to real world concepts and ideas taught in the classroom. Category: Tier:
Staff will attend professional development on how to incorporate higher level thinking questioning and application into daily lessons.
Professiona l Learning
11/05/201311/05/2013$790Title II Part D
Administrat ors Classroom teachers
Activity - Increased Instruction TimeActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
Science will be taught five days a week with the lengthen school day. This will allow for more in-depth study of concepts and lessons for higher level mastery.
Academic Support Program
09/03/201306/13/2014$0General Fund
Administrat ors Classroom teachers
Measurable Objective 1: 100% of Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth grade Black or African-American, Asian, White, Economically Disadvantaged, Gifted and Talented, Hispanic or Latino, Students with Disabilities, English Learners, Two or More Races, American Indian or Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students will demonstrate a proficiency Social Studies in Social Studies by 06/13/2014 as measured by MEAP and MME.
Activity - MAPSAActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
Teachers will attend professional development for Social Studies and lessons focusing on higher level thinking.
Professiona l Learning
11/05/201311/05/2013$790Title II Part D
Administrat ors Classroom teachers
Activity - CounselorActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
The school counselor will work with students that have emotional/behavioral issues that impact their ability to succeed in the classroom.
BBehavioral Support Program
09/03/201306/13/2014$0Section 31aMark Witkowski
Goal 6: Professional development at Merritt Academy will become meaningful to staff. br />
Strategy 1: Professional Development - A team will work together to make sure professional development is more meaningful to all staff. In addition, the team will work together to ensure there is follow through and appropriate follow-up on professional development. Category: Tier:
Activity - Increased Instruction TimeActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
Social Studies will be taught five days a week with the lengthen school day. This will allow for mastery of concepts taught.
Academic Support Program
09/03/201306/13/2014$0General Fund
Administrat ors Classroom teachers
Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to make professional development meaningful to all staff by 06/13/2014 as measured by feedback from staff.
Activity - Early ReleaseActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
Staff Responsibl e
Professional development will occur the last Tuesday of each month during early release.
Professiona l Learning
09/24/201305/27/2014$0No Funding Required
Administrat ors Classroom teachers Elective teachers MTSS teachers Special Education teachers
Activity - PLCActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Source Of Funding
SStaff Responsibl e
PLC time will be used as time to reflect and follow-up on professional development presented early in the year. They will also be used as time to work with the writing rubrics and scoring.br /> Professiona l Learning
009/11/201306/11/2014$0No Funding Required
Administrat ors Classroom teachers MTSS teachers Elective teachers Special Education teachers
Activity Summary by Funding Sourcebr />
Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source

Title II Part D
General Fund
Activity NameActivity DescriptionActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Staff Responsibl e
Reading and Higher Level Connections
Teachers will use high interest reading materials as resources to develop higher level thinking situations for students.
Implementa tion
09/03/201306/13/2014$1000Classroom teachers Elective teachers
Activity NameActivity DescriptionActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Staff Responsibl e
Unpacking the Common Core Standards
Professional development on developing higher thinking lesson plans using the Common Core Standards and pacing guides.
Professiona l Learning
08/19/201308/27/2013$3150All classroom and elective teachers
Unpacking the Common Core Standards
Learn to develop higher thinking lessons using the Common Core Standards and pacing guides.
Professiona l Learning
08/19/201308/27/2013$3150All teachers
MAPSATeachers will attend professional development for Social Studies and lessons focusing on higher level thinking.
Professiona l Learning
11/05/201311/05/2013$790Administrat ors Classroom teachers
MAPSAStaff will attend professional development on how to incorporate higher level thinking questioning and application into daily lessons.
Professiona l Learning
11/05/201311/05/2013$790Administrat ors Classroom teachers
Activity NameActivity DescriptionActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Staff Responsibl e
Increased Instruction Time
Science will be taught five days a week with the lengthen school day. This will allow for more indepth study of concepts and lessons for higher level mastery.
Academic Support Program
009/03/201306/13/2014$0Administrat ors Classroom teachers
No Funding Requiredbr /> Increased Instruction Time
Social Studies will be taught five days a week with the lengthen school day. This will allow for mastery of concepts taught.
Academic Support Program
09/03/201306/13/2014$0Administrat ors Classroom teachers
TechnologyIncrease use of technology (Smartboards, laptops, websites, graphing calculators) in math lessons on a daily basis.
Technology09/03/201306/13/2014$40000Administrati on Classroom teachers MTSS Staff Special Education Teachers
Activity NameActivity DescriptionActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Staff Responsibl e
ELBIAdditional staff will be trained on how to use ELBI.Professiona l Learning
08/21/201306/13/2014$0MTSS Staff Special Education Staff Classroom Teachers
Early ReleaseProfessional development will occur the last Tuesday of each month during early release.
Professiona l Learning
09/24/201305/27/2014$0Administrat ors Classroom teachers Elective teachers MTSS teachers Special Education teachers
Rubric DevelopmentGrade level rubrics will be developed to be used for grading student writing. These will be used at PLC meetings at tools for monitoring student writing progress.
Getting Ready
08/21/201306/13/2014$0Classroom teachers MTSS teachers Special Education Teachers
Writing RubricsGrade level rubrics will be used as common scoring tools to monitor student progress in writing.
Evaluation09/03/201306/13/2014$0Classroom teachers Special Education teachers MTSS teachers
School Improvement Plan Merritt Academy
SY 2014-2015Page 54 © 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Title I Part A
Section 31a
ELBIElBI will be used to improve reading fluency.Academic Support Program
09/03/201306/13/2014$0Classroom teachers Special Education Teachers MTSS Staff
PLCPLC time will be used as time to reflect and followup on professional development presented early in the year. They will also be used as time to work with the writing rubrics and scoring.
Professiona l Learning
09/11/201306/11/2014$0Administrat ors Classroom teachers MTSS teachers Elective teachers Special Education teachers
Activity NameActivity DescriptionActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Staff Responsibl e
MTSSMTSS is a small group program where students work on specific skills they are lacking on in mathematics.
Academic Support Program
09/03/201306/13/2014$39792Amber Mosher Victoria Lathrop
MTSSSmall group instruction in reading comprehension and fluency.
Academic Support Program
09/03/201306/13/2014$39792Victoria Lathrop Amber Mosher
Activity NameActivity DescriptionActivity Type
TierPhaseBegin DateEnd DateResource Assigned
Staff Responsibl e
CounselorThe school counselor will work with students that have emotional/behavioral issues that impact their ability to succeed in the classroom.
Behavioral Support Program
09/03/201306/13/2014$0Mark Witkowski
School Improvement Plan Merritt Academy
SY 2014-2015Page 55

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